Polychromal INTF


Polychromal has extensive experience in producing stylish signs, art, architectural signage and creative objects from aluminium plate material. From photo walls to facade embellishment and artistic objects. Most objects are made of anodised aluminium, with the print being fully anchored in the aluminium. This creates extremely scratch-resistant and graffiti-resistant objects that can be used both indoors and outdoors. Your design is our guide in production.



Production for artists, architects, photographers and industrial designers
Aluminium offers a range of possibilities for surprising objects and artistic applications. At Polychromal we don’t just want to inspire artists, architects, photographers and industrial designers to creative and inventive ideas, but also to support them with technical knowledge and years of experience.

Aluminium plate material converted into the most diverse forms
Aluminium is a unique versatile basic material. Screen printing, full-colour digital printing, but also CNC milling, punching, angle bending and folding, engraving and etching is all possible. The end result always has a smart, sleek look due to the fine material structure. Aluminium is 100% recyclable and Polychromal processes it in an environmentally-friendly way.

Production of Architectural signage
In addition to aluminium art objects, Polychromal also produces architectural signage according to your specifications where other than beautiful design the emphasis is on functionality. The objects can be executed in full colour in many forms where the finish ensures a highly scratch and graffiti resistant object. We’d like to help you with the extensive possibilities.

The Polychromal aluminium plate metal objects have a wide variety of applications including at or in buildings such as business premises, museums, restaurants and gardens or parks.